Articles on: Hyax Apps

How do I add a Domain (root or top level domain)

⚠️ Please note that even after you've pointed your domain, it still may take up to 24 hours to issue the SSL certificate (on our end), which is why there will be a period of waiting before your domain works.

Do not repeatedly change your domain settings, as this will only RESET the timeframe for getting your domain working.

If you're trying to add a top level domain, such as "" you're in the right place.

⚠️ If you're trying to add a subdomain - like '' - then click here for instructions

⚠️ IMPORTANT - These directions are if you're directly adding your domain via your registrar like Godaddy, Namecheap, etc.

1. Add an A record to for your domain that points to

Go into your domain registrar (like Godaddy), and find the settings to manage your DNS.

Below is an example from NAMECHEAP.

Add a new A record, here's what these settings look like in Godaddy.

and here's what it looks like in NAMECHEAP

2. Add a second A record to for your domain that points to

At this point, you should have these 2 records!

⚠️ Warning - if you have any other A records that point to your root domain or @, you'll have to remove those

3. Add a CNAME for WWW to the root domain (some registrars ask you to point it to @, others may have you type in the full domain URL)


4. Go back into your project settings, and then click the check domain settings button.

You access this page by going to the "settings" on the left navigation menu. Domain settings will be located in "Domain & Brand" section.

5. If the domain is verified, you're good to go, however, you may still need to wait a little bit while our SSL certificate gets issued.

It takes a little while for our system to finish issuing the SSL certificate. So if you see an error after your domain is verified, this is normal.

Please contact us only if the error does not go away in 24 hours.

Updated on: 27/08/2024

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