Articles on: Getting Started

How to set-up paid posts

In Hyax, posts can be configured as Free, available for a One-time Payment (pay per view), or require a subscription.

All posts will automatically be set to Free by default

To set up payments inside a post

Press Hamburger Menu icon on top left

Press Settings, choose the Payment Type and add the Price

To set up Subscription

Enable Subscriptions

Navigate to "Your Apps" in the menu and enable Subscriptions. Once activated, you’ll find Subscriptions available in your menu at all times.

Go to Subscriptions

Select Create new plan on the top right

Fill in the details indicated (title & description) and choose the plan settings (unlock type for posts and pricing / member terms)

Please note that in order to set up paid plans you will need to setup your Stripe account first

Our unlock posts section offers two options:

Unlock All Posts

Unlock Only New Posts and Last 30 Days of Content: If you prefer to unlock only future content, the last 30 days of content must also be unlocked. This ensures subscribers don’t start with an empty subscription, avoiding a negative experience.

You can also choose between monthly or annual subscription terms.

If desired, both monthly and annual subscriptions can be enabled simultaneously. However, customers will only be able to select one payment option at a time.

Once Subscription plan is set, make sure to go back to your post and update the payment type.

Updated on: 06/08/2024

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