How to sell digital products
Articles on: Getting Started
Selling a digital product can be straightforward with the right approach. By simplifying your setup and focusing on key strategies, you can easily start generating sales. In this article, we'll show you how to streamline the process for a smooth launch.
Enable Products
Navigate to "Your Apps" in the menu and enable Products. Once activated, you’ll find Products available in your menu at all times.
Pro tip:Few readersHow to set up a subscription plan
Articles on: Getting Started
To set up Subscription plan
Enable Subscriptions
Navigate to "Your Apps" in the menu and enable Subscriptions. Once activated, you’ll find Subscriptions available in your menu at all times.
Go to Subscriptions
( readersHow to write your blog posts (with AI help)
Articles on: Getting Started
Writing a great blog post is all about mixing creativity with a bit of planning. In this guide, we’ll break down the simple steps to help you craft a post that grabs attention and keeps readers hooked.
Enable Posts
Navigate to "Your Apps" in the menu and enable Posts. Once activated, you’ll find Posts available in your menu at all times.
( readersHow to set-up paid posts
Articles on: Getting Started
In Hyax, posts can be configured as Free, available for a One-time Payment (pay per view), or require a subscription.
All posts will automatically be set to Free by default
To set up payments inside a post
Press Hamburger Menu icon on top left
Press Settings, choose the PaFew readers1) Create a Project
Articles on: Getting Started
In Hyax, the first step for everyone is to create a project. You can think of each project as a distinct website. Each project is linked to a single domain, so if you plan to use multiple domains with Hyax, you will need to create multiple projects.
Important Note: The username you choose will automatically serve as the subdomain for your website.
( readers